19-031 | BurgerIm Peachtree Corners, GA
Updated: Feb 25, 2024
Peachtree Corners, GA | Apr 2019 - Dec 2019

A standard, tenant remodel project, this job required typical construction efforts per BurgerIm plan and design. The demolition phase consisted of removing not only typical partition walls and ceilings, but also a complex security cage system for high-end designer bags and clothing that had been installed by the previous tenant. JBrennon provided turn-key installation of all wall construction and finishes, HVAC ductwork and unit installation, roof-top pollution control unit to mitigate cooking odors in the high-end shopping plaza, plumbing underground sanitary and CW/HW lines, interior grease interceptor installation, roof patching, kitchen hood, grease duct, and equipment installation, ceramic tile installation, trim, customized millwork and countertops, and white glove restaurant equipment and furniture set out. JBrennon had to pay extra attention to noise and dust control during this project due to the conditions and requirements of property management and adjacent tenants. If your firm or restaurant group would like to work with JBrennon on similar build-outs or build-to-suits, please complete our Project Evaluation Form and we will reply with next steps!
